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The Florida State University Office of Public 政策 事件


1001.93   Offices of Public 政策 事件 within the State University System.


(2) For purposes of this section, the term:

(a)“辩论”是指两名或两名以上参与者就同一公共政策争议的对立方法发言的活动, after which each participant is allotted time to address and rebut the position presented by the opposing speakers.

(b)“团体论坛”是指两名或两名以上发言人从不同或相反的角度讨论公共政策争议的活动, 之后,每个参与者都有时间回答观众的问题,并对其他演讲者的立场发表评论.

(3)州立大学系统内的每一所州立大学都必须设有公共政策事件办公室,并必须任命一名公共政策事件主任,负责该办公室的职责和报告责任. The office must, at a minimum:

(a)1. Organize, publicize, and stage debates or 群论坛 at the state university. These events must address, 从多个, 发散, and opposing perspectives, an extensive range of public policy issues widely discussed and debated in society at large. The university shall sponsor no less than four events each academic year. 秋季学期至少有两项活动,春季学期至少有两项活动.

2. 这样的辩论和小组论坛必须包括代表当今最广泛讨论的公共政策问题的对立面的广泛观点的演讲者,以及来自州立大学社区内外的广泛的不同观点的演讲者.

3. 如果办公室无法在州立大学社区内找到一位精通某一观点的倡导者, the office shall invite a speaker who is able to represent such perspective. 办公室应, 在必要的时候, 向非州立大学社区的发言者提供每日津贴和旅费报销.

(b) Maintain a permanent, publicly accessible, 可搜索的, and up-to-date calendar in print, on the office’s website, and on the state university’s website listing all of the events sponsored by the office and all other debates, 群论坛, and events open to the entire campus community at the state university that address public policy issues. The calendar must itemize the title of the event; the name and institutional affiliation of the speaker or speakers; and the office, 研究所, 部门, 程序, or organization that sponsored the event, excluding those events sponsored by off-campus groups in rented state university facilities. Such calendars must be kept in the library system of each state university.

(c) Beginning September 1, 2024, and annually each September 1 thereafter, provide to the Board of Governors a report detailing the following:

1. The number of debates and 群论坛.

2. In chronological order, the calendars itemizing the title of each event; the name and institutional affiliation of the speaker or speakers; and the office, 研究所, 部门, 程序, or organization that sponsored the event.

3. The number of enrolled students attending each event.

4. Expenditure information relating to any per diem or reimbursement for travel expenses.

The report must reflect prior academic year statistics.

(d) Make publicly available, in an online format, a complete video record of every debate and group forum organized by the office. 由办公室组织的活动的视频记录必须在活动结束后10个工作日内发布在办公室网站上. 此类视频必须在事件发生之日起至少5年内在办公室网站上公开发布. Such videos must also be permanently preserved within, and made available to the public through, the library of the state university that hosted the event.

(4) Upon approval of the board of trustees of the state university and the Board of Governors, 州立大学可以将该办公室的职责分配给州立大学内现有的行政办公室,而不是单独设立一个办公室.


(6) Each debate and group forum organized by the office must be open to all students, 教师, and staff of the state university and, unless restricting attendance to such event is necessary to achieve a compelling governmental interest, to the general public.

State University System Free Expression Statement

十大网赌平台推荐系统及其12所公立高等教育机构采纳《十大网赌平台推荐》,以支持和鼓励在我们各自的校园内进行充分和公开的讨论以及思想和观点的有力交流. The principles of freedom of speech and freedom of expression in the United States and Florida Constitutions, in addition to being legal rights, 为学生提供高质量的学术体验是我们大学三部分使命的组成部分吗, engage in meaningful and productive research, and provide valuable public service for the benefit of our local communities and the state. 本声明的目的是确认我们对这些原则的奉献精神,并寻求我们校园社区的承诺,以维护我们的校园作为开放交流知识和思想的地方,进一步促进我们的使命.

高等教育机构的一个基本目的是提供一个学习环境,让不同的思想在其中交流, opinions and philosophies, 新与旧, can be rigorously debated and critically evaluated. Through this process, often referred to as the market的地方 of ideas, individuals are free to express any ideas and opinions they wish, 即使其他人可能不同意他们,或者发现这些想法和观点是冒犯的,或者与他们自己的世界观相反. 辩论不同观点和挑战他人观点的过程,培养了通过民间话语进行尊重性辩论所必需的智力技能. 这些技能的发展导致个人和学术成长,是我们每个机构学术和研究任务的重要组成部分.

It is equally important not to stifle the dissemination of any ideas, even if other members of our community may find those ideas abhorrent. Individuals wishing to express ideas with which others may disagree must be free to do so, without fear of being bullied, threatened or silenced. This does not mean that such ideas should go unchallenged, as that is part of the learning process. 虽然我们相信我们校园社区的所有成员都有责任在这种讨论中促进文明和相互尊重, we must not let concerns over civility or respect be used as a reason to silence expression. We should empower and enable one another to speak and listen, rather than interfere with or silence the open expression of ideas.

我们校园社区的每个成员也必须认识到,机构可能会限制非法的言论, such as true threats or defamation. Because universities and colleges are first and foremost 的地方s where people go to engage in scholarly endeavors, 合理的时间限制是各机构高效运作的必要条件, 的地方, and manner in which these rights are exercised. Each institution has adopted regulations that align with Florida’s Campus Free Expression Act, 第1004节.097, 佛罗里达的律例, and with the United States and Florida Constitutions and the legal opinions interpreting those provisions. 这些限制是狭义的,内容中立的,旨在确保我们校园社区的所有成员都有平等的能力表达他们的想法和意见, while preserving campus order and security.